Naudojimo atvejai |
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Naudojimo atvejai

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  • Transportas

Dutch Digital Road SignsPDF

The Netherlands created a digital overview of all national road signs to increase road safety.
  • Regionai ir miestai

COVID-19 Cycling Measures DashboardPDF

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) created an interactive dashboard visualizing the latest data on cycling measures.
  • Vyriausybė ir viešasis sektorius

ePaństwo FoundationPDF

The ePaństwo Foundation provides support to cities, communities, counties and public institutions that want to make their data publicly available for citizens.
  • Ekonomika ir finansai

Global Economic Recovery TrackerPDF

The Financial Times is tracking the most relevant economic indicators to provide early insights in the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic across countries.

Skaidrumas. Viešieji mokėjimai

Ši programėlė, kuria šiuo metu galima naudotis tik graikų kalba, išrenka ir apdoroja duomenis iš PVM informacijos mainų sistemos (VIES) ir Graikijos portalo „DIAVGEIA“ ( Duomenims tvarkyti reikalingas interneto ryšys. (jei interneto ryšio nėra, naudotojai gali įrašyti prašomus duomenis; jie bus apdoroti, kai tik bus prisijungta prie interneto).

AUDIT TO-GÆTHER. Bendradarbiavimas audito srityje

Taikomoji programa 2020 m. Prahoje vykusiame Audito programuotojų maratone laimėjo 3-ą vietą. Ji suteikia galimybę remiantis aukščiausiųjų audito institucijų (AAI) audito planų informacija tarptautiniu mastu palyginti pasirengimo auditui arba audito įgyvendinimo procesą.
  • Sveikata

EIOS Coronavirus News MapPDF

The COVID-19 News Map displays the headlines and snippets of the ten most recent COVID-19 related online published articles in their original language.
  • Gyventojų skaičius ir visuomenė

Work, Teleworking, and COVID-19PDF

Eurofound published the results of an e-survey - Living, working and COVID-19 – which captures the impact in people’s work-life balance during the pandemic.
  • Transportas

Social Distancing DashboardPDF

The Social Distancing Dashboard created by the TU Delft offers city maps that show if the 1.5-meter social distance rule can be respected when walking in public spaces.
  • Sveikata

European Standards for Medical SuppliesPDF

In context of the COVID-19 crisis the European Commission made several European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment openly available.