Consultation to build tomorrow's digital policy |
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Consultation to build tomorrow's digital policy

Article 69 of the Law for a digital Republic

Local and regional authorities are important actors in Open Data initiatives and wider digital policy initiatives. Very often, the success of a new policy depends on the local or regional implementation and adoption. In France, Article 69 of the recent Law for a Digital Republic introduces the possibility for the communities that wish so to put in place strategies for the development of digital services, such as Open Data platforms, and the use of digital technologies.

In this context, the French Digital Agency is responsible for drafting a framework document entitled National Guidelines for the Development of Digital Usages and Services in the Territories. This document will support the communities wishing to set up a digital strategy in their territory. This strategy is not targeted at a specific community level, but is developed for all communities that wish to take advantage of it. The framework document therefore will serve as an operational document, designed as a toolkit for communities.

The French Digital Agency is now inviting stakeholders to contribute to this framework document by launching a consultation. Do you have ideas to boost the data economy or suggestions to stimulate the publication and re-use of Open Data? Take part in the consultation! All categories of actors, including local authorities, associations, and State bodies, are invited to share best practices and to provide feedback. The consultation runs until 17 March 2017.

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