Deutsche Bahn (DB) Open Data |
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Deutsche Bahn (DB) Open Data

A German transport company initiates hackathons to create new mobility solutions

Developers, start-ups and Deutsche Bahn are working on new ideas to co-create the future of rail travel. Therefore, the German transport company regularly hosts hackathons under the umbrella of mindbox, their digital innovation platform. They provide company data such as operating stations or the route network. At developers can access the data at any time and re-use it to create new applications. The data is available in machine-readable and openly licensed form, in various formats, permanently and free of charge.

Deutsche Bahn is one of the first German companies to provide Open Data and expand open innovation to the mobility sector. Contribute to smart mobility at the next hackathon Logistics meets Mobility on 19 and 20 October in Hamburg or browse over 10,700 datasets about transport on the European Data Portal.

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