Europe's archives are opening up |
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Europe's archives are opening up

Archives Portal Europe announces new API functionality

The archival institutions in Europe hold literally millions and millions of documents with high-quality information on all possible subjects. However, until not very long ago this information was spread over all the individual websites of the organisations. The Archives Portal Europe wants to overcome this and provide one single point of access to the information stored in all of Europe's archives. They not only want to facilitate the publication of this information, they are also enabling archives to publish their information as Open Data.

One of the steps the portal took to stimulate the provision of Open Data is by the release of an API last May enabling archives to distribute their information automatically. Although an essential element for the publication and stimulation of Open Data (re-use), this first API had only limited functionalities. The team behind the portal therefore decided to use the spare summer time to further develop the functionalities of their API. This has resulted in the launch of a second version of the tool, offering the user a number of new services. These include new filter options (for example on the licence), search facilities and new means to download the data.

To ensure a successful use of the API, both by the user and the provider of the Open Data, all API documentation is available on a wiki. By allowing archives to publish their information, the portal enables the disclosure of an extensive body of knowledge and information as Open Data. Want to know more about the portal or their new API functionality? Read all you need to know by following the link below.

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