Greece makes Public Sector Information open and promotes open source solutions |
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Greece makes Public Sector Information open and promotes open source solutions

42% of Greek public sector procedures are now open

In Greece, some government procedures used to lack proper documentation, leading to multiple interpretations by public administrations across the country. This in turn created delays and uncertainties for citizens and companies. The Greek Open Technology Alliance began the collaborative project in 2015. Now an alliance (GFOSS alliance or EELLAK in Greek), representing 35 universities and research centres in Greece, promotes the use of free and open source technologies.

865 registered contributors make sure "Every service is documented, and all relevant information is included" (GFOSS director Ms Mitropoulou on the website of the Open Government Partnership). Out of around 5,000 public procedures in Greece, 2,100 have now been fully documented by public service staff on the Diadikasies MediaWiki, an open and standardised technology, that is free, easy to use, and customisable.

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