How are Italian companies embracing Open Data? |
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How are Italian companies embracing Open Data?

New study into the re-use of Open Data

Are companies embracing the use of open government data? How, why and what data is being leveraged? The GovLab launched Open Data 200 Italy, in partnership with Fondazione Bruno Kessler, which seeks to showcase the breadth and depth of companies using open data in Italy. OD200 Italy is the first and only systematic study to map the use of Open Data by companies in Italy. The GovLab and FBK gathered and analysed Open Data usage information via a detailed questionnaire. The objective was to map and assess the use of Open Data by 200 companies. To date, 55 companies across Italy have completed the survey.

Findings show there is a growing ecosystem around Open Data in Italy that goes beyond traditional Open Data advocates. From data and technology companies to media, software and communications firms, the landscape of private enterprises seeking to utilise and leverage Open Data is becoming vast and varied. Many of these companies are startups.

The project shows the diversity of data being used, which makes it necessary to keep Open Data broad and sustained. Companies using Open Data to develop new products and services are able to position themselves at the leading edge. Expanding this Open Data niche helps them gain greater visibility within their respective industries as well.

To learn more about Open Data 200 Italy, and to participate in the questionnaire, visit or

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