MyData 2017 to take place in Estonia and Finland |
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MyData 2017 to take place in Estonia and Finland

Addressing the privacy aspects of (open) data

Open Data is an important means of increasing access to data to citizens, companies and civil society, and can promote economic growth, scientific research and political and corporate accountability. However, much of the most valuable data is personal data, whose publication out in the open may threaten privacy. The event MyData 2017 zooms in on the privacy aspects of Open Data, and takes place on 30 August to 1 September in Tallinn and Helsinki.

The MyData 2017 conference brings together an international crowd of 1000 people from businesses, research community, civil society and government to shape the fundamentals on how personal data is managed globally. This year the conference is held in two countries, Finland and Estonia. Data enthusiasts, legal experts, privacy advocates and others are invited to share their view and to learn about the privacy aspects of working with (open) data.

The conference programme is designed around twelve tracks, and the early bird registration for this event opens on 1 May 2017. Do not miss out and explore more about the conference here!

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