Open Belgium 2017 |
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Open Belgium 2017

One-day conference on Open Data

On 6 March 2017, the Open Belgium 2017 event will take place in Brussels. With the slogan 'Let's make Belgian knowledge open, usable, used, useful', stakeholders from the industry, the research community, the government and citizens will gather to discuss the latest developments regarding Open Knowledge and Open Data. The event is organised by Open Knowledge Belgium.

Open Belgium is an annual conference gathering stakeholders concerning Open Knowledge. This year's theme is "Open Cities, Smart Data", marking the different ways Open Knowledge and Open Data can contribute to smart urban development, the rise of smart applications and the shift from the raising quantity of data to the raising quality of data. The focus of the conference will be on questions such as:

  • Nice to have much data published, but how are we doing quality-wise?
  • How much of the data and gathered knowledge serves for useful and insightful applications?
  • Is the current Open Data, the data we want to have?

To inform participants about Open Data developments across Europe, with a specific focus on the Open Data maturity of Belgium, the European Data Portal will also be present.

Experience this one-day community driven conference with talks, discussions, panels and workshops, and register here.

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