Open Data, a popular buzzword or an essential resource? |
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Open Data, a popular buzzword or an essential resource?

Join our Open Data webinars, starting from November

With more and more public bodies opening up their data, thousands of international Open Data enthusiasts gathering in events across the globe and numerous apps being developed based on Open Data, there is no doubt: Open Data is hot. But what is it, and why should you care?

With the first webinar taking place on Wednesday 30 November, the European Data Portal launches a series of webinars to make the best out of Open Data. This series shows how to derive the benefits of Open Data, how to overcome typical challenges in both publishing and using Open Data and explores the reuse of Open Data in specific sectors.

A user-friendly platform will be used for the webinars, for which no download is required. The first webinar introduces the concept of Open Data, and shows users how they can benefit from the European Data Portal. The first webinar will cover topics such as:

  • What is Open Data?
  • Why do we need Open Data?
  • What does Open Data bring us?
  • How is Open Data used?
  • The role of the European Data Portal

The webinar takes place on 30 November, 4PM CET - 5PM CET . It is interactive and presents real life examples and demos. Interested to discover what Open Data has to offer you? Make sure you do not miss out, and join our first webinar by registering here. The webinar will welcome up to 100 participants.

The second webinar in this series will take place in Q1 2017.

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