Supporting food supply and distribution with open data |
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Supporting food supply and distribution with open data

The Science and Development Network’s take on feeding the world through an open data culture

With the global population steadily rising, food supply and distribution have become a more pressing issue in agriculture. Open data can help to address this issue.

SciDevNet is a platform that offers news, analysis, and information on global scientific and technological developments. On 11 November 2020, SciDevNet met with Andy Robinson, a representative of the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), to discuss how open data can address pressures on the agricultural sector and provide food to the world population. An outcome of the debate is that open data and data sharing initiatives can serve to support the sector in meeting the ever-growing demand for food and fighting hunger. Predictive farming initiatives based on open data, for example, can foster collaboration to tackle enduring problems and feed communities.

As of now, agriculture is not among the most popular research areas when it comes to open data. The lack of data currently hinders commercial enterprises from developing agricultural solutions to continue to feed the world’s population. Read more about the debate through the SciDevNet’s publication.

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