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What are the key challenges of our times according to EU citizens? Find out in the latest Eurobarometer!

Consult the latest Eurobarometer, released on 15 June!


Eurobarometer surveys are EU institutions´ official polling instrument to track the state of public opinion in Europe on socio-political issues related to the European Union. On 15 June, the first of a series of Eurobarometer surveys focusing on ´Key challenges of our times - the EU in 2022` was published. Among these challenges, citizens were asked to express their view on the EU´s priorities in 2022, the war in Ukraine, defence and security, energy and climate change, and the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the top of the EU priorities for this year, Europeans mention defence and security (34%) and making the EU and its Member States more autonomous in energy supply (26%). Closely following are the need to deal with the economic situation (24%), as well as the need to deal with environment and climate change (22%).

As already apparent in the Flash Barometer of 5 May, most EU citizens (59%) agree with the EU's response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and particularly support humanitarian actions (93%) and the welcoming of Ukrainian refugees in the EU (91%). Moreover, 80% of EU respondents are in favour of the economic sanctions imposed on Russia and 70% support financing the supply and delivery of military equipment to Ukraine.

The majority of Europeans (81%) also support the idea of a common defence and security policy among EU Member States and the joint defence of EU territory (93%), with 85% of citizens rooting for a general increased cooperation in defence matters at EU level.

The Eurobarometer further reports a high willingness among Europeans (87%) to quickly reduce the EU dependency on Russian sources of energy. Moreover, 85% of respondents encourage the EU to invest massively in renewable energies.

You can read the results of the Eurobarometer on the dedicated page, where you can also find country factsheets, infographics, and a detailed presentation of the survey.

This and further Eurobarometer datasets can also be easily explored on our portal


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