Każijiet ta’ Użu | data.europa.eu
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Każijiet ta’ Użu

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Skip results of view Każijiet ta’ Użu
  • Gvern u settur pubbliku


Tech NGO that promotes Open Data and coordinates socially impactful IT projects

  • Ġustizzja, sistema legali u sigurtà pubblika


Facilitates easy patent searching and up-to-date alerts on patent data changes

  • Enerġija

Open OilPDF

Publishes oil contracts and oil companies' corporate filings globally

  • Edukazzjoni, kultura u sport


A platform that maps daycare facilities across Berlin for parents that are in need of one

  • Gvern u settur pubbliku

Open BudgetPDF

A tool that helps local municipalities publish and present budget information in a user-friendly way

  • Edukazzjoni, kultura u sport


Helps users plan walking and biking routes along historical and cultural sites in Moscow

  • Trasport


Tracks aircraft in real-time on a detailed map and provides flight status information

  • Trasport


Parkopedia allows drivers to find the closest parking to their destination, tells them how much it will cost and whether the space is available.

  • Ambjent


Waarneming provides information about various aspects of nature and wildlife in the Netherlands, using Open Data from the "Foundation NatureBank Netherlands" (Stichting NatuurBank Nederland).

  • Trasport

Rijden de treinenPDF

Rijdendetreinen provides users access to real-time data regarding train travel in the Netherlands, providing information about current faults in the Dutch train network as well as past faults.