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Discover the eGovernment benchmark 2022

Read how governments across Europe are doing in delivering digital public services

How mature is digital government in Europe? To answer this question, the eGovernment Benchmark compares yearly how governments across Europe deliver digital public services. It evaluates eGovernment services in the 27 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

In the European Commission’s 2022 eGovernment Benchmark report, four dimensions of eGovernment have been measured:

  1. User centricity – To what extent are services provided online? How mobile friendly are they? What online support and feedback mechanisms are in place? According to the 2022 results, user centricity is the most mature dimension, with 81% of government services in Europe being available online and 6% of them being proactively delivered thanks to data re-use.
  2. Transparency – Are public administrations providing clear, openly communicated information about how their services are delivered? Are they transparent about policymaking and digital service design processes, as well as about the way people’s personal data is being processed? In this regard, the 2022 report shows that the majority of government portals (58%) inform users on whether and which of their personal data has been consulted and processed by public administrations.
  3. Key enablers – What technological enablers are in place for the delivery of eGovernment services? These enablers include official electronic identification tools (eID)  used by two thirds of all services in Europe to allow users to identify themselves  as well as interoperable data systems, which help governments to pre-fill 67% of online application forms.
  4. Cross-border services – How easily are citizens from abroad able to access and use online services? What online support and feedback mechanisms are in place for cross-border users? According to the 2022 eGovernment Benchmark, less than half (46%) of services are accessible for international users because the service is in a language they do not understand, and few accept eIDs from other European countries.

Along these four dimensions, countries with the highest overall score are Malta (96%) and Estonia (90%), followed by other frontrunners such as Luxembourg (87%), Iceland (86%), the Netherlands (85%) and Finland (85%). The EU27+ overall performance lies at 68%.

Based on these results, the 2022 eGovernment Benchmark also gives three key recommendations for European governments, including further prioritising user-centric design in their public services, rationalising the delivery of eGovernment services in alignment with the user journey and reinforcing interoperability of data exchange and eIDs.


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