€41 million EU investment to connect Europe digitally | data.europa.eu
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€41 million EU investment to connect Europe digitally

A total amount of €20.7 will be invested in public open data projects

On 26 April 2019, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme published the Implementation Decision on the selection of proposals and award of grants under the CEF Telecommunications sector. A total of 83 projects are selected to receive a total co-funding of €41 by the European Union. The overall objective of these projects is to create a European ecosystem of interoperable digital services that make the Digital Single Market work in practice.

In particular, the CEF Telecom funding "supports projects of common interest that contribute to increasing the interoperability, connectivity and deployment of trans-European digital infrastructures across the EU, improving the daily life of citizens, businesses and public administrations, and thereby contributing to the development of a Digital Single Market. CEF Telecom has an overall budget of around €1 billion (2014-2020)" (CEF Telecom).

One of the funded areas is the area of Public Open Data. A total amount of €20.7 million will be invested in 11 proposals coming from 16 Member States "to achieve better services for citizens and public administrations, through the re-use of public-sector data, the creation of datasets usable in several countries, and greater high-performance computing (HPC) capacity" (CEF Telecom).

Are you interested in more information on the funded areas and specific projects? Take a look at the CEF news or read the Implementation Decision!

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