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European Legislation Identifier - use cases and implementation

Learn more about ELI and its use case for draft legislation in a free webinar on 19 October

Nowadays legislation is widely available online and accessible in various digital formats. However, the way in which legal information is organised, varies across the different legal systems of EU Member States, which tends to hinder the discovery, exchange and reuse of this information.

The European Legislation Identifier (ELI) is a solution which aims to address this issue by providing a way to uniquely identify national and EU legislation online. Born in the framework of the Forum of Official Gazettes, the ELI project was officially endorsed by the Council of the European Union. The ELI initiative is being driven forward by a group of EU Member States together with the Publications Office of the EU. A dedicated Taskforce, chaired by Luxembourg, shares expertise and helps EU Member States implement the new identifier.

To share more information on the implementation and particular use cases of ELI, the Publications Office of the EU is organising a free online webinar on 19 October 2022 at 10.00-12.00 CET.

The webinar will start with an introduction by John Dann, Director of the Official Journal of Luxembourg at the Ministry of State in charge of publishing and disseminating Luxembourg‘s legislation through the legilux.public.lu portal. He is the founding father of the standard 'European Legislation Identifier', chair of the 'ELI Taskforce' of the Council of the EU and will present how the project started, the aim it addresses and provide a brief introduction of the different elements of ELI, as well as the use case for Luxembourg.

Jean Delahousse, semantic web and knowledge graph consultant and ELI Taskforce expert will highlight the details of the ELI project, in particular the open ontology/data model for Official Gazettes exposing descriptions of official legislation, as a backbone to build a coordinated and interoperable Europe in the legal domain.

María Represa Martín, deputy director of the Documentation Department, Official State Gazette National Agency in Spain, will present the use case of ELI for Spain. Spain has been assigning ELIs to its regulations since 2018. In a decentralised country, this implementation has not been limited to the national level, but rather it has reached the regional and even local level. An experience that has made it possible to lay the foundations for interconnecting a great heterogeneity of legal information systems, through the implementation of a unique URI template, a set of minimum common metadata and controlled vocabulary tables. A use case that speaks about challenges, interconnection, interoperability and a lot of coordination.

Thomas Francart, knowledge engineering consultant and ELI Taskforce technical expert, will present the use case of ELI for draft legislation (ELI-DL) and will provide a walkthrough of the ELI and ELI-DL model to describe legal documents and activities.

Christie Damnet, data and process analyst, and Laura Liudvinavičiūtė, information and communications technology (ICT) application officer, both from the European Parliament, will present the use case of ELI-DL for the European Parliament, applying the ELI-DL ontology as data model in the scope of legislative applications.

Join the webinar on 19 October at 10.00 CET!

This webinar is part of a series of follow-up events of the European data conference on reference data and semantics (ENDORSE): presentations, trainings and webinars that occur on a quarterly basis. To find out more about the initiative, visit the ENDORSE website.

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