Exploring Open Data in Bratislava | data.europa.eu
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Exploring Open Data in Bratislava

DanubeHack 2.0 taking place next week

From 12 to 13 December, Bratislava will explore Open (Geo) Data for the second time during DanubeHack 2.0. For this event, participants are invited to present what can be done with Open (Geo) Data resources or technologies and share their ideas, experience and knowledge for the development of new applications. By offering this platform, the event aims to:

  • Collect tangible stories on the added value created with Open (Geo) Data, APIs and software tools for the Danube region
  • Explore the potential of citizen science and participation in creating and using value added services and applications.

The hackathon will focus initially on four domains - Environment, Energy, Open Transparency and eGovernment - but participants are welcome to suggest other domains as well. In order for the participants to materialise or prepare their Open Data ideas, a selection of possible resources is already made available online. Participants who want to work on a data set which is not yet enlisted, can contact the organisers for the list to be updated.

Do you have an idea which involves Open Data and you want to prove its potential? Join the hackathon to identify possibilities, pitch ideas, promote your (Open) Data or contribute to the development of new software, apps, or visualisations. Interested to join? Read more details about DanubeHack 2.0.

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