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Open data on gender and employment

According to new research with open data on employment numbers, women are hit disproportionally by the economic downturn caused by the pandemic

According to academic research, with the use of open data on (global) employment numbers, women are hit disproportionally by the economic downturn caused by the virus in both developed and developing countries. The pandemic deepens already existing gaps between genders as the virus has hit especially childcare, service industries, part-time work and lower income jobs, all of which involve comparatively high numbers of women.

When women are enabled and empowered to participate fully in the economy, their involvement produces a better environment for all citizens says Prof. Scott. She has written a book on the Double X Economy in which she explains her ideas about market feminism and the changing role of women in the modern economy.  

Prof. Scott has worked closely with private multinationals to study how supply chains and distribution systems can help women advance in countries such as South Africa and Kenya. She recognises that some companies’ gender equality initiatives may be more subject to reprioritisation than others. As many companies fight for survival, gender equality programmes may be put on hold. Research with open data gives insight into inequalities, especially in employment numbers, and can help to stimulate awareness and political activism to reverse this trend.  

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