Updated eGovernance legislation in Bulgaria | data.europa.eu
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Updated eGovernance legislation in Bulgaria

What's new in the Bulgarian eGovernance policies?

The Bulgarian National Assembly adopted amendments to the law on eGovernance. To make sure that policies are correctly implemented and executed, the amendments included the constitution of a new state agency 'Electronic control'. This agency will be responsible for all eGovernment policies, including Open Data, and help other institutions implementing eGovernance policies within their organisation. This ranges from cybersecurity requirements to the use of electronic identification. The Open Data policies are part of the quality and transparency requirements in the new legislation.

It is expected that the new agency will be fully running at the end of the year to help the different ministries getting eGovernance into their system. To improve the compatibility between the different institutions, the law also provides for the establishment of a 'Single system operator' which will focus on centralising the different IT streams. With these developments, the Bulgarian government wants to bring the benefits of digitisation to its citizens, for example by making more use of electronic identification. Want to know more? Follow the link below.


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