Visualise water ways in Amsterdam |
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Visualise water ways in Amsterdam

Discover the water ways and water quality of the city of Amsterdam

Amsterdecks is a website that wants to increase social involvement in water quality. The website allows users to visualise the waterways in the city of Amsterdam and to know the water quality of the different waterways. The website uses open data on water infrastructures, rivers, and water quality from institutions such as the Municipality of Amsterdam. By informing users and increasing awareness on the water quality in Amsterdam, Amsterdecks aims to stimulate people to improve water quality together.

Amsterdecks is part of the company Liquid Commons. Liquid Commons goal is to realise projects in collaboration with residents, entrepreneurs, and policymakers who contribute to sustainable joint management of water quality in Amsterdam.

Amsterdecks is one of the over 500 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge about different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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