Want to visualise Open Data? | data.europa.eu
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Want to visualise Open Data?

Policy Compass helps you use Open Data

The Policy Compass helps you to utilise, interact, visualise and interpret the growing amount of publicly available Open Data. By offering easy to use and web-based data processing tools, it opens up the potential of Open Data for people with limited knowledge about technology. By doing so, it enables journalists, scientists and citizens to easily execute transparent and accountable policy evaluation or analysis.

The website already has selected Open Data from a number of reliable international sources but it is also possible to upload your own data for processing. Once you have found the data you're looking for you can visualise this or create a causal model. The results of your processing activities are then easily shared for discussion or use in your work. It is an ongoing project so expect more tools to be coming soon. Want to know more? Explore the site yourself by following the link below.

Read more: https://policycompass.eu/app/#!/

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