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European data
Het officiële portaal voor Europese data

Which country had the largest increase in datasets on the portal?

Malta has doubled their datasets over the past three months

It might not come as a surprise that there are less data sets found for smaller European countries, as they might simply have less data to share. A correlation we had presented in an earlier Featured Data. Nonetheless, smaller countries, are given the opportunity to show a bigger relative growth compared to larger countries with already large amounts of data referenced. This Featured Data examines the change in amount of datasets over the last three months for which the numbers can be found in the table below:

largest dataset increase table


This can be explained by the fact that smaller countries show a significantly larger increase compared to the larger countries. Malta and Luxembourg are the absolute number 1 and 2 in terms of growth. In addition to size, another explanation would be that their national portals have only recently been harvested by the European Data Portal. Noteworthy is the growth of France, as they already had a large amount of datasets on the portal.

Check out which catalogues are harvested from each country here