Voorbeelden van toepassingen | data.europa.eu
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Voorbeelden van toepassingen

910 resultaten gevonden
Skip results of view Voorbeelden van toepassingen
  • Gezondheid

Global Health Security IndexPDF

The index is a comprehensive assessment of the preparation for epidemics and pandemics for 195 countries.
  • Onderwijs, Cultuur & Sport

UNESCO Education DashboardPDF

UNESCO created a dashboard that visualised the global impact of school closures as response to COVID-19.
  • Regering & Openbare sector

IMF – Policy Response TrackerPDF

The IMF created a policy tracker which summarizes the key economic responses that govern ments are taking to limit the human and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Regio's & steden


The start-up Monitor.Estate analyses legal risks in the Ukrainian primary real estate market with the use of open data.
  • Justitie, Rechtstelsel & Openbare veiligheid

Sud na DoloniPDF

Sud na Doloni is a Ukrainian start-up that has launched an analytical service that lets users search, review and visualise court decisions.
  • Justitie, Rechtstelsel & Openbare veiligheid

Shtrafy UAPDF

Shtrafy is a Ukrainian start-up that has launched a mobile application service that lets users check the status of their traffic tickets and pay them.
  • Regering & Openbare sector

Nazar City BotPDF

Nazar City Bot is a Mariupol-based start-up that creates open data-based services for local government agencies.
  • Justitie, Rechtstelsel & Openbare veiligheid


Proviso is a Kyiv-based start-up that has launched a platform that lets users prepare for litigation — a one-stop online environment for a lawyer.

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Covid-19-grafieken voor Oostenrijk en de hele wereld

De website https://www.iconcepts.at/covid19/ maakt gebruik van datasets van twee verschillende instanties. De grafieken voor Oostenrijk, de deelstaten en de districten zijn gebaseerd op gegevens van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid. Voor de grafieken voor de hele wereld worden ECDC-gegevens gebruikt.