Voorbeelden van toepassingen | data.europa.eu
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Voorbeelden van toepassingen

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  • Bevolking & Maatschappij

Baby Names UKPDF

This application supports parents-to-be with their search for baby names. Users see lists of first names (separate for female or male) that they can mark, save in an additional favourite list, and share names and lists with others. The application is available for eleven countries using respective national sources of data.

  • Milieu

Iceland Aurora AlertPDF

Iceland Aurora Alert is an application that allows the user to monitor and learn more about Northern Lights activities. Coloured areas on the orbit tells the user the likelihood that Northern Lights can be detected on the sky. Users can set alerts if aurora activity is expected in a specific area, and can share the alerts with others.

  • Wetenschap & Technologie

ISS detectorPDF

The application enables users to monitor the flight path of the International Space Station (ISS). Users get a notification when the ISS and other satellites such as Hubble, HAM radio satellites, planets, and comets are about to enter the user's field of vision. Moreover, the app shows in what direction and at what speed the objects will fly by.

  • Justitie, Rechtstelsel & Openbare veiligheid


All laws of the Federal Republic of Germany are published in the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.). Laws only come into force when they appear there. Users can access the laws there for free and get additional information on the law making process.

  • Transport

London TubePDF

Users can find a real-time map of the London Underground tubes on this platform. Each tube shows additional information like the arrival time of the tube, location, and route.

  • Landbouw, Visserij, Bosbouw & Voedsel


Farmsubsidy provides a detailed overview of payments and recipients of the European Union (EU) farm subsidies in every EU member state. Users can search for country specific data finding top recipients or look for specific companies receiving payments from the EU. The platform is under the roof of the non-profit Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.

  • Transport

Swiss Railways networkPDF

This real-time tool shows all running trains in the Swiss Federal Railways Network, which is one of densest and punctual across the globe. A map is provided where all positions of trains are marked. For each train details are provided such as train number, current speed, and train stops on its route. For each Swiss train station the user can display upcoming departures. Lastly, the tool enables fast-forwarding and pre-visualisation of traffic.

  • Milieu

Windy AppPDF

Windy App gives users detailed maritime weather forecast for kiters, surfers, sailors, and fishers. Users get information on wind speed, temperatures, waves, and tides. Furthermore, an in-built chat function allows to talk to locals or share reports with others.

EU-waarnemingspost voor energiearmoede

Verwarming, koeling, verlichting en energie voor apparaten zijn essentiële diensten. Ze zijn nodig om een behoorlijke levensstandaard en gezondheid te garanderen. Toch hebben meer dan 50 miljoen huishoudens in de EU geen toegang tot adequate energiediensten. Dit wordt energiearmoede genoemd. Om meer kennis te verzamelen over energiearmoede in Europa en te zorgen voor innovatief en remediërend beleid, bundelt de EU-waarnemingspost voor energiearmoede verschillende data- en kennisbronnen uit de hele EU. Dit project van 40 maanden, dat in december 2016 is begonnen, levert allerlei nuttige

Think Dirty. Shop Clean.

Toen haar moeder voor de tweede keer te horen kreeg dat ze borstkanker had, ging de Canadese Lily Tse zelf op onderzoek uit. Ze wou de vele mogelijke oorzaken van de ziekte achterhalen, zoals potentieel schadelijke ingrediënten in cosmetica en persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten. Haar ontdekkingen waren soms alarmerend. Op basis van de resultaten van haar onderzoek naar de waarheid achter de schoonheidsindustrie en cosmeticaproducten presenteert Lily nu Think Dirty®.Deze app kan duizenden soorten cosmetica en persoonlijke verzorgingsproducten analyseren. Het gaat wel vooral om producten uit