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Enabling innovation across the water sector with open data

Discover project ‘Stream’, an initiative that aims to stimulate innovation in the water sector in the United Kingdom


On April 2022, the Open Data Institute (ODI) announced that they will be working with a Consortium of water companies in the United Kingdom, led by Northumbrian Water, on a new project ‘Stream’. This project aims to transform customer services in the water sector through a platform that facilitates the exchange of (open) data.

To achieve this goal, the project’s Consortium will develop a new open data sharing platform to facilitate the exchange of data between private companies and public institutions in the United Kingdom. This will enable water companies, utility providers, public institutions and the general public to more easily share and publish data, safely. Furthermore, through this platform, innovators within the sector receive insights into trends and developments in the area. These insights will in turn enable them to improve their services and make better-informed decisions about their services and initiatives.

The Stream project’s funding is being received from an award through the Water Breakthrough Challenge – an innovation challenge run by the water regulator Ofwat and the innovation organisation Nesta.


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