European Data Portal among Europe's success stories of eGovernment and Digital Public Services |
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European Data Portal among Europe's success stories of eGovernment and Digital Public Services

Outcome of the eGovernment Ministerial Conference in Tallinn

On 6 October 2017, all European Union Member States and EFTA countries signed the 'eGovernment Declaration' in Tallinn. The declaration was signed during the Ministerial Meeting, as part of the eGovernment Ministerial Conference. The unanimous agreement took place in the presence of Andrus Ansip, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market. This reinforced the political commitment on ensuring high quality, user-centric digital public services for citizens as well as seamless cross-border public services for businesses and citizens alike.

In this light, and as a way to further promote innovation in terms of eGovernment across Europe, several success stories were shared. Along projects like the eIDAS 2018 Municipalities Project, Italian SPID and Danish Digital Post, the European Data Portal was listed. In particular, the European Data Portal has facilitated access to Open Data (with over 750,000 datasets) and contributes to both public service efficiency and innovation (for instance showcasing over 160 use cases).

For more information on the European Data Portal's merits and an overview of the entire list of success stories of eGovernment and Digital Public Services, click here.

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