Looking back on ODD 2018 | data.europa.eu
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Looking back on ODD 2018

An overview on the highlights of the Open Data day 2018

The Open Data Day 2018 was a great example for the interest and efforts that are to be found around Open Data related topics. You missed it or did not get enough? No problem, we take you on a tour and show you a few selected highlights across Europe.

In Aberdeen (Scotland) Open Data enthusiasts celebrated the world Open Data Day by launching the new Aberdeen Data Meet-up. The group of people from academia, business, the charity sector, and the public sector institutionalised a regular monthly meet-up for the data community in Aberdeen.

While Aberdeen was looking into the future, Croatia also celebrated the achievements of the past, namely five years of application of the legal framework for the reuse of information and Open Data in the Republic of Croatia. But also the future is in focus. There is a legal framework, and numerous online platforms and applications that make free access to information easier and more economically impactful than ever before. The opening up of data contributes to the fight against corruption and enables the Croatian citizens to be more involved in policy making. Here you can deep dive into the facts.

In Germany, in the heart of Cologne, the Open Data Day was celebrated with a combination of a Hackathon, Barcamp and KidsHack. In addition to Open Data enthusiasts, also interested members of society, public administrations, universities, and businesses were addressed to show what added value public data can offer for a community or a company. Find out more here or join the European Data Portal community.

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