Local Government Inform | data.europa.eu
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Local Government Inform

Local Government Inform is one of the national open data portals in Europe that has gained importance post-lockdown.

Local Government Inform (LG Inform) is a search engine for (open) governmental data in the United Kingdom. Local and regional national open data portals have become increasingly important after lifting the lockdowns. Data portals receive increasingly more open data and these open datasets are used for both health and transportation monitoring purposes during the lifting of the lockdowns. Additionally, these data portals increase the accessibility and availability of open data and make sure that governments can be held accountable for their decisions (e.g., during the COVID-19 pandemic).

LG Inform presents people with up-to-date published data about their local area and the performance of their council or fire and rescue authorities. Whether users are interested in scrutiny, a specific service area, or simply need an overview, this portal can help them to review and compare performance with other authorities (in the United Kingdom).

Local Government's esd-toolkit is the online data engine that powers LG Inform with (open) data. It holds both the centrally, bulk-collected data and locally derived data, and passes them in real time to LG Inform to populate reports and make them available for external use as open linked data. The esd-toolkit also provides the means for councils to upload locally collected data for inclusion within LG Inform.

LG Inform is one of the over 600 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge on different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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