Open Data from an international perspective |
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Open Data from an international perspective

New publication by the 'Konrad Adenauer Stiftung'

According to a new publication by the Konrad Adenauer foundation, data can be seen as the building blocks of the digitisation of the world. Each one of these building blocks brings in part of the information needed to complete the digital house. Comparable to a real structure is the quality of the final product based on the quality of the individual blocks. For digitisation, this means that quality of information, the number and the accessibility to the data determine the benefits of the digitisation.

Open Data forms one type of available building blocks which can be used to accelerate the digitisation. As these building blocks are already created, disclosing them creates various societal benefits with limited costs. However, how the owners of these 'building blocks' disclose them, can differ per country. To get a grasp of the different possibilities, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation therefore published a report on Open data from the international perspective. In this report they explore the Open Data and digitisation developments of ten countries, among others France, Indonesia and the United States of America. With this exploration the report offers a frame of reference, presents models and suggests alternative strategies which can be used when thinking about Open Data.

Do you also want to figure out all the findings of the report? You can download it by following the link below.

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