And the Prague Hacks winner is... Real Reality! |
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And the Prague Hacks winner is... Real Reality!

Applications now available in Prague Dashboard

Eleven applications based on Prague Open Data were created during the three-day long programming marathon Prague Hacks. Developers, idea makers, data analysts and urbanists worked together and used Prague Open Data to search for new ideas. The programming marathon took place between 30 September and 2 October and hosted around 70 participants and mentors. Prague Hackers could work with the datasets from Prague Open Data Catalogue that contains data about the location of public transport vehicles, timetables, and data about parking in the city, air pollution, road maintenance or ZOO.

During the Hackathon, eleven applications were created. One of the winners was the project based on categorisation of documents from office board - Categorizer. The ultimate winner chosen by the jury is called Real Reality - the browser plugin that shows you the information about parking, air quality, noise pollution and transport services in the area where you look for the house or apartment. All 11 applications are available on the newly established Prague Dashboard.

Prague Hacks was organised by the Otakar Motejl Fund in cooperation with Node5, StartupYard and reSITE and with the technological and financial support by Microsoft, CZ.NIC, Red Hat and the Open Society Fund Prague. Interested to know more about the developed applications? Read everything about it by following the link below.

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