Discover the data.europa academy: Tenth course, ‘Introducing data visualisation’
Learn how to create data visualisations, tell your story and take your audience on a journey
The tenth course of the restructured data.europa academy called ‘Introducing data visualisation’ showcases how you can use data to create inspiring and practical visualisations, and how it can be used to tell a story and take your audience on a journey. By the end of this course, you will know how to design state-of-the art data visualisation.
In the digital era, data visualisation is a critical asset and essential tool that allows people to grasp information in a second. The first lesson, ‘How to make your date easier to visualise’ highlights examples of data repositories and a set of guidelines for data sharing policies to create data visualisations. The second lesson ‘Accessibility in data visualisation’ introduces Knowage, a comprehensive open-source analytics and business intelligence platform aiming to make data accessible to visually impaired people. You will learn how to work with ‘hidden data’ to visualise intangible phenomena in the third lesson ‘Making the invisible visible’.
The fourth lesson ‘Honest visuals: Ethics in data visualisation’ delves into the honesty of data visualisations, explaining how to spot misleading visuals and prevent biases and misinformation when selecting context and visualisations. Explaining complex content requires powerful visualisations and innovative communication, which will be explained in the lesson ‘Getting our message across’. To make your data visualisations more powerful, the lesson ‘Dataviz Aesthetics’ demonstrates the role of designing with aesthetics in mind.
How you can go beyond the basic bar graphs and pie charts will be highlighted in the lesson ‘Going beyond bars and lines: Effective, non-standard data visualisation’. Through the lesson ‘Telling your story through data visualisation’ you will discover how to improve storytelling with data visualisations. Concrete tools for effective data visualisations, common pitfalls and best practices are showed in the lesson ‘Guidelines for effective data visualisations’.
To conclude, the lesson ‘Data in Publications’ provides a guide with tips, examples, resources and visual aids as a handy toolbox which will help you with all of the data-related aspects of your publication. Take a look at this guide and the tenth course of the data.europa academy and create state-of-art data visualisations!
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