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European countries committed to Open Government

Open Government Partnership awards countries

Ireland, Romania, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Georgia and Italy have received an award by the Open Government Partnership's Independent Reporting Mechanism. Together with other countries, this mechanism attributed a 'starred' status to selected commitments of the countries' 'National Action Plans'. In National Action Plans, the countries participating in the Open Government Partnership co-create with civil society a number of commitments which will advance transparency, accountability, participation and/or technological innovation in their country.

In order to receive a 'starred' status, the commitments have to "represent exemplary reforms that have potentially transformative impact on citizens in the country of implementation" according to the Open Government Partnership. The nature of these commitments vary per country, from legislative commitments to publishing more data. Bulgaria was awarded for its commitment for bringing in line their access to information legislation with that of the EU policy, an effort to enhanced transparency. Ireland received appraisal for the publication of a register of lobbyists, bringing transparency to the policy making process.

Do you want to know more about the Independent Reporting Mechanism? Or for which development Italy, Romania, Georgia or Ukraine received their 'starred' status? Find out by following the link below.

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