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Learn about the key highlights of the webinar on ‘Competition law in the data economy’

Learn what was covered in the webinar on the impact the Data Act will have on competition law and the data economy.

On 27 January 2023, a webinar on competition law in the data economy was conducted by data.europa academy to discuss how the evolving legal landscape would affect data markets. In the webinar, the ongoing discussions and evolutions around competitive and anti-competitive data sharing practices were presented. The webinar compared and contrasted the competition law against innovations of the proposed Data Act, which seeks to harmonize rules for fair access and use of data. 

The webinar began with a short presentation on the relevance of competition law to the data economy, followed by a view from the perspective of traditional competition law framework — its application, key principles and current debates. This was then followed by a summary of the ambitions of the Data Act on this point – and how is it likely to shape competition challenges.

The key speakers of the webinar were Hans Graux (ICT lawyer and partner at Timelex), Paolo Tomassi (Policy Officer, DG COMP) and Malte Beyer-Katzenberger (Policy officer Data policy and innovation, DG CONNECT). Several other data enthusiasts such as data holders, aspiring data re-users and legal experts, especially competition lawyers were among the active participants of the webinar. active participants of the webinar.

The webinar was concluded with a discussion session allowing the audience to raise questions and discuss the coherence of the approaches presented, as well as their potential challenges.

data.europa academy conducts several similar webinars to create awareness about the changing landscapes in data. For more information on upcoming webinars, visit the Events page on data.europa.eu.

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