The National Open Data and Housing event has taken place in Luxembourg |
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The National Open Data and Housing event has taken place in Luxembourg

Building blocks for the future

During Luxembourg's "Semaine internationale du Logement" (a major national event on home & living under the responsibility of the Ministry of Housing) a mini-conference about Open Data in the context of housing drew attention to the benefits of transparency in this domain.

After an introduction by senior government advisor Jean-Paul Marc, Francis Kaell, responsible for the Government's Division of Open Data and access to information, presented the national Open Data Portal. Dr. Julien Licheron, responsible for the "Housing observatory" at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), discussed the importance of datasets from the observatory that are available as Open Data. Dr. Patrick Weber, technical manager of the national Open Data Portal, highlighted successful re-use cases of housing information in other countries. The day was concluded with a fruitful discussion between private and public sector housing data experts focusing on other interesting datasets that might contribute to foster a dedicated housing data ecosystem.

On 17 November 2017, the conference was followed up by a housing data expert group meeting at the premises of the "Service information et presse" (SIP) of Luxembourg's State Ministry. If you want to find out more about the Open Data developments in Luxembourg, please click here.

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