Call for action - Participate in the selection of the next thematic categories of high-value datasets!
Register in the current working Group and attend the two webinars planned for May and June
DG CONNECT is leading a study on the identification of thematic categories for the extension of the current list under the Open Data Directive.
The study will propose new thematic categories for high-value datasets based on desk research and direct contribution from the different actors (e.g., data publishers, data reusers) to enable, in a second step, to conduct a socio-economic (impact) assessment of the potential benefits of these new thematic categories. A particular attention will be given to the potential value of re-using public sector information from a start-up and SMEs perspective.
DG CONNECT encourage all interested parties to take part in this collaborative approach and join the current Working Group by registering here.
Once you register, you may also decide to participate at the webinars planned for Monday, 30 May from 14:00 - 16:00 CET and for 28 June (time TBD).
In addition to the registration website above, you can directly start contributing on this MURAL board, following the instructions below:
- The first box, starting from the left hand-side, contains the list of sub-thematics already identified prior to and during a first webinar conducted in May. Should you find the list of sub-thematics not inclusive nor exhaustive enough, please add your suggestions. Note that during the first webinar, 7 potential thematic categories have been prioritised.
- In the second box, please point us to concrete and potential high-value datasets (i.e. datasets having a potential economic and social impact).
- In the third box, and on the basis of the high-value datasets referenced in the previous box, please suggest concrete economic, social and environmental impacts that high-value datasets might have on the European economy if made available and accessible. Note that granularity is important and don’t hesitate to support your claims with data and/or studies.
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