Happy New Year! | data.europa.eu
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Den officielle portal for europæiske data

Happy New Year!

All the best for 2019!
The European Data Portal team wishes you the very best for 2019!
We are looking forward to continuing collaborating with you, discussing open data related topics and trends. In early 2019, the European Data Portal will publish more reports, events, highlights, news and webinars around open data. For example:
  • The European Data Portal will release two Analytical Reports to share and discuss our findings on the "Re-use of PSI in the public sector" and "Business-to-government (B2G) Data Sharing".
  • An Open Data Maturity Webinar will be hosted to share best practices of the Three Top Performers in the Open Data Maturity Report 2018.
  • An additional Open Data Maturity Report on the Three Top Performers in Europe will be published.
  • In addition, there are several open data events throughout Europe on the EDP Calendar!
For the latest news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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