Italy to present during INSPIRE Conference |
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Italy to present during INSPIRE Conference

INSPIRE and eGovernment policies

This week, from 4 to 8 September, the INSPIRE Conference takes place in Kehl, Germany (on 4-5 September) and Strasbourg, France (on 6-8 September). Not only the European Data Portal is present there, but representatives from national Open Data portals will be attending the event as well. Representatives from Italy will for instance provide a presentation on the INSPIRE Directive, eGovernment and Open Data.

The presentation, entitled 'INSPIRE and eGovernment policies: a common governance for a wider public sector information infrastructure', will be delivered on 7 September at 2PM. In the context of advancing with policies for the enhancement of (open) national public sector information, the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) has been working on the improvement of interoperability of data and services. This includes the effort to align the process of access and sharing of spatial information among public administrations, citizens and businesses. The presentation will show the approach and lessons learned. More information about the presence of AgID and RNDT (National Directory of Territorial Data) at the INSPIRE Conference can be found in this news article.

The abstract of this presentation can be found on the Conference website, just like the abstract of the European Data Portal presentation. For more information on the conference programme, speakers and registration, visit the INSPIRE 2017 Conference website.

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