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Use cases

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  • Regioner og byer


Golemio is the data platform for the Prague Capital City that aims to promote the re-usability of data to find more smart solutions. The platform serves as a single information point where data about the operation of the city can be found in the form of information and visualisation about various aspects, such as pollution and transportation, and can be analysed for further insights.

  • Sundhed


FindToilet is an application that shows people where the nearest toilet to their location is with a map visualisation. In addition, the application provides information about the public toilet, such as opening times, if there is a changing table available and if they have a handicapped toilet.

  • Videnskab og teknologi


Esri is a company that uses public and private geographical open data to provide contextual tools for mapping and spatial reasoning.

  • Regeringen og den offentlige sektor

Data Engagement Platforms Politics (DEPP)PDF

DEPP (Data Engagement Platforms Politics) creates web platforms for political information to increase political participation. The company gathers and standardises public data and allows citizens to generate content as well as to create a cohesive database of public and user generated data.

  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport

Mime ConsultingPDF

Mime Consulting is an expert in the education sector. The company aims to improve the life chances of young people by informing them on education opportunities and demand for skills and knowledge in the area. The same data is also used such that education practitioners can align their programmes with the needs of the area.

  • Videnskab og teknologi


Mapegy collects relevant R&D facts and figures from patents, scientific publications, websites and press releases via a Software as a Service solution to reduce workload on desk research. The application of Mapegy allows small and medium sized businesses to gain intelligence on relevant markets and react better to the changing environment. – onlinearkivet over forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter (F&U-projekter)

Hver dag bliver ny information – lige fra blogindlæg til oplysninger om EU-støttede projekter – tilgængelig på nettet. Men internettet er også et flygtigt medium. For eksempel var kun 7 % af projektwebsitene forbundet med det 4. rammeprogram (RP4, 1994-1998) stadig live i 2015. F&U-websites indeholder uvurderlige oplysninger, som ikke kan findes andre steder, bl.a. vedrørende: software, der anvendes i eksperimenter testdatasæt dokumenter, som ikke hører ind under den akademiske og kommercielle cyklus for udgivelse nyheder materialer til videreformidling Når sådanne websites lukkes, går det

INTERPRETBANK – software for tolke

Bliver du stresset, mens du gør dig klar til at tolke? Har du brug for hurtigt at lave en ordliste, der er let at genbruge? Eller måske vil du bare gerne vide, hvordan natursprogsbehandling har gjort terminologiredskaberne bedre. InterpretBank-software hjælper professionelle tolke, lige fra at forberede en opgave til selve tolkningen. Den vil hjælpe dig med at oprette, administrere og huske leksika og let genkalde terminologi, selv mens du tolker. Du kan få adgang til dine ordliste fra din computer eller mobile enhed. InterpretBank vil hjælpe dig med: at søge på ord, mens du sidder i
  • Landbrug, fiskeri, skovbrug og fødevarer


Taranis uses aerial surveillance imagery to avert crop loss due to pests, disease, weeds and nutrient deficiencies. Satellite images are used to detect potential problems, which are then monitored by closer aerial scouts. Farmers can solve these problems pre-emptively.

  • Transport


Predina aims to reduce risk in car driving. The company does this with an AI platform that can analyse large quantities of open and commercial data and determine the safest route for the specific driver.