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Use cases

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  • Regioner og byer


The Leefbaarometer provides online information about the quality of life in all neighbourhoods and districts in the Netherlands.

  • Regioner og byer

The Netherlands - Hoge NoodPDF

Hoge Nood shows you the route to public accessible toilets and provides information about the facilities such as wheelchair accessibility, business hours, costs and reviews of previous visitors.

  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport


Komoot offers superior planning and navigation technologies to make it easier for people to experience authentic outdoor adventures such as road cycling, hiking, back packing or mountain biking.

  • Videnskab og teknologi


ScanR is a search engine seeking to distinguish laboratories and private enterprises that advance research and innovation in France and to connect them.

  • Sundhed


Alim'confiance is an application allowing citizens to access the results of sanitation inspections carried out throughout the food processing chain (production, transformation and distribution).

  • Uddannelse, kultur og sport

Albert Kahn Departmental MuseumPDF

This museum spent years on digitizing and documenting archives containing autochromes and films in black and white representing the diversity of inhabitants of the world at the beginning of the 20th century.

  • Miljø


Aircheckr applies unique algorithms to calculate and offer air quality information at any level of detail such as real-time, forecasting or statistics.

  • Transport

BE Trains NMBS BelgiëPDF

BE Trains is an application of route planner and timetables for trains in Belgium and offers a social network-oriented platform.

  • Sundhed

Ultraviolet - UV IndexPDF

The Ultraviolet - UV Index app indicates the UV index rating for any location around the world for those that are skin-care conscious and want to monitor their UV sun exposure.

EASME's databank

Hvilke projekter støttes af EU? Er de alle sammen baseret i Europa? Hvilket projekt er i modsat fald længst væk? Hvad går projektet ud på, og hvilke økonomiske ressourcer har det? For at svare på disse og andre spørgsmål har EU's Forvaltningsorgan for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder (EASME) udviklet EASME's databank. Det er et interaktivt onlineværktøj, der genererer informationer om EU's finansieringsprogrammer gennem nøgledata, statistikker og et dynamisk kort, der viser alle de projekter, der finansieres af programmet. De røde prikker angiver projektkoordinatorer, og de grønne angiver