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Asedie is celebrating its 20th anniversary

The association Asedie is celebrating 20 years of boosting the Spanish infomediary sector!

This year, the Asociación Multisectorial de la Información (Asedie) is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Asedie is an association of companies that are dedicated to the use, re-use and distribution of data. The association aims to create goods and services that contribute to and boost the Spanish and European economy.

Since 1999, Asedie has represented the needs of the Infomediary Sector and has spearheaded the collaboration between the public and private sector to meet common goals and overcome barriers in the world of open data. The Spanish Public Infomediary Sector is defined by datos.gob.es as businesses that create value-added applications, products and/or services intended for third parties using information from the public sector. The sector is an integral part of the Spanish economy where in 2017 it earned about €1.8 billion and employed more than 20.000 people.


Asedie's history

As stated, Asedie was founded in 1999 to boost the Infomediary Sector in Spain and to facilitate public and private sector collaboration to overcome barriers in the publication, use and re-use of open data. In the 20 years since it was founded, Asedie has acquired international presence as the Spanish Infomediary Sector's representative in Europe, attended and held annual conferences, introduced the Asedie Awards and conducted and published annual reports on the Spanish Infomediary Sector. For example, they published their latest annual report on 11 April 2019, available online in English and Spanish.

The Asedie Awards were introduced in 2014 and are organised around an annual international event that recognises people, companies or institutions who work or contribute towards innovation and development in the infomediary sector. The initiative aims to highlight the importance of data openness and to promote further collaboration for the development of the Spanish and global economy. To win the award, the public can nominate people, companies or institutions they know that support the Infomediary Sector by opening data, re-using open data or facilitating transparency. Monday 30 September 2019 marks the closing to submit proposals for this year's Asedie Award 2019. Keep an eye out for the winners of Asedie Award 2019 and the next call for proposals for Asedie Awards 2020.

Asedie celebrating 20 years

Figure 1: Asedie celebrating 20 years


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