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Open water data on the European Data Portal

Discover open water data and its applications on the European Data Portal


Water is a dynamic medium that continuously changes from liquid, to solid, to gas and enables life on our earth. Water is one of the three basic needs for humans as it plays a critical role in delivering nutrients and oxygen, regulating the body temperature, and helping in fighting illness and supporting brain function.

Due to the importance of water, data that measures its quality, temperature, use, dissemination, and supply is generated, regularly updated and used in the decision and policy making process and to create services that aim to improve our day-to-day life and support the environment.


Open water data

The European Data Portal (EDP) has over 25,000 datasets related to water. For example:


Open water data use cases

The EDP has thirteen examples of use cases that use open data related to water. For example, the website Amsterdecks and the application Aquadaia.

Amsterdecks is a Dutch website that aims to increase social involvement in water quality by allowing users to visualise the waterways in the City of Amsterdam and by showing them the water quality of the different waterways. The website uses open data on water infrastructures, rivers, and water quality from institutions such as the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Aquadaia is a free application from the Spanish company Daia Intelligent Solutions that focuses on developing solutions for agriculture based on artificial intelligence techniques and data mining. The application optimises water use in irrigation systems and promotes economic, social, and environmental sustainability in a manner that is cost saving for users. Data Intelligent Solutions uses meteorological data from meteorological open data portals and weather stations across Spain for Aquadaia.

For more examples of open water data and how it is used in different European countries, explore the EDP's available open water datasets and use cases. Interested in open water data and smart cities? Read our feature highlight "Smart City at your service - empowered by emerging technologies Vol. 3".

If you know of any open water data use cases, share them with us via mail, and follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date!