Open Data in Europe 2016 |
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European data
Das offizielle Portal für Daten zu Europa

Open Data in Europe 2016

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"now": 76,
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"now": 61,
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"then": 0
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"spread": 50,
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"social": 60,
"economic": 120,
"total": 300
"total": 1340
"EU28 Avg.":
"presence": 235,
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"licensing": 54,
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"presence": 250,
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"total": 210
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"social": 15,
"economic": 90,
"total": 175
"total": 1045,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_austria.pdf"
"presence": 200,
"natcoord": 90,
"licensing": 15,
"use": 95,
"total": 400
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 100,
"spread": 50,
"total": 190
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"social": 0,
"economic": 50,
"total": 50
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"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_belgium.pdf"
"presence": 245,
"natcoord": 70,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 180,
"total": 565
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 35,
"total": 205
"political": 120,
"social": 45,
"economic": 80,
"total": 245
"total": 1015,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_bulgaria.pdf"
"presence": 230,
"natcoord": 90,
"licensing": 55,
"use": 210,
"total": 585
"usability": 20,
"reusability": 120,
"spread": 50,
"total": 190
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 30,
"total": 30
"total": 805,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_croatia.pdf"
"presence": 240,
"natcoord": 20,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 140,
"total": 470
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 80,
"spread": 50,
"total": 170
"political": 70,
"social": 30,
"economic": 30,
"total": 130
"total": 770,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_cyprus.pdf"
"Czech Republic":
"presence": 290,
"natcoord": 90,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 95,
"total": 545
"usability": 30,
"reusability": 60,
"spread": 50,
"total": 140
"political": 20,
"social": 0,
"economic": 30,
"total": 50
"total": 735,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_czech-republic.pdf"
"presence": 170,
"natcoord": 40,
"licensing": 15,
"use": 40,
"total": 265
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 100,
"spread": 15,
"total": 175
"political": 20,
"social": 0,
"economic": 90,
"total": 110
"total": 550,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_denmark.pdf"
"presence": 200,
"natcoord": 80,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 75,
"total": 425
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 120,
"spread": 50,
"total": 230
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 80,
"total": 80
"total": 735,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_estonia.pdf"
"presence": 260,
"natcoord": 100,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 185,
"total": 615
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 35,
"total": 205
"political": 80,
"social": 15,
"economic": 100,
"total": 195
"total": 1015,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_finland.pdf"
"presence": 330,
"natcoord": 130,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 145,
"total": 675
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 120,
"spread": 50,
"total": 230
"political": 120,
"social": 45,
"economic": 80,
"total": 245
"total": 1150,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_france.pdf"
"presence": 250,
"natcoord": 70,
"licensing": 15,
"use": 75,
"total": 410
"usability": 50,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 50,
"total": 210
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 70,
"total": 70
"total": 690,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_germany.pdf"
"presence": 295,
"natcoord": 120,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 140,
"total": 625
"usability": 20,
"reusability": 60,
"spread": 35,
"total": 115
"political": 120,
"social": 45,
"economic": 70,
"total": 235
"total": 975,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_greece.pdf"
"presence": 130,
"natcoord": 20,
"licensing": 30,
"use": 170,
"total": 350
"usability": 30,
"reusability": 20,
"spread": 30,
"total": 80
"political": 70,
"social": 0,
"economic": 70,
"total": 140
"total": 570,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_hungary.pdf"
"presence": -1,
"natcoord": -1,
"licensing": -1,
"use": -1,
"total": -1
"usability": -1,
"reusability": -1,
"spread": -1,
"total": -1
"political": -1,
"social": -1,
"economic": -1,
"total": -1
"total": -1,
"trend": -1,
"file": ""
"presence": 320,
"natcoord": 130,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 140,
"total": 660
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 50,
"total": 200
"political": 120,
"social": 30,
"economic": 60,
"total": 210
"total": 1070,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_ireland.pdf"
"presence": 170,
"natcoord": 90,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 105,
"total": 435
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 80,
"spread": 50,
"total": 170
"political": 50,
"social": 0,
"economic": 40,
"total": 90
"total": 695,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_italy.pdf"
"presence": 170,
"natcoord": 10,
"licensing": 0,
"use": 20,
"total": 200
"usability": 0,
"reusability": 0,
"spread": 0,
"total": 0
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 0,
"total": 0
"total": 200,
"trend": "Beginner",
"file": "country-factsheet_latvia.pdf"
"presence": 0,
"natcoord": 0,
"licensing": 0,
"use": 0,
"total": 0
"usability": 0,
"reusability": 0,
"spread": 0,
"total": 0
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 0,
"total": 0
"total": 0,
"trend": "Beginner",
"file": "country-factsheet_liechtenstein.pdf"
"presence": 140,
"natcoord": 30,
"licensing": 45,
"use": 0,
"total": 215
"usability": 30,
"reusability": 50,
"spread": 50,
"total": 130
"political": 90,
"social": 15,
"economic": 80,
"total": 185
"total": 530,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_lithuania.pdf"
"presence": 170,
"natcoord": 20,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 230,
"total": 490
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 140,
"spread": 50,
"total": 250
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 30,
"total": 30
"total": 770,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_luxembourg.pdf"
"presence": 160,
"natcoord": 20,
"licensing": 45,
"use": 0,
"total": 225
"usability": 0,
"reusability": 0,
"spread": 0,
"total": 0
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 0,
"total": 0
"total": 225,
"trend": "Beginner",
"file": "country-factsheet_malta.pdf"
"presence": 330,
"natcoord": 120,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 195,
"total": 715
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 120,
"spread": 50,
"total": 210
"political": 40,
"social": 0,
"economic": 90,
"total": 130
"total": 1055,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_netherlands.pdf"
"presence": 230,
"natcoord": 40,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 160,
"total": 500
"usability": 30,
"reusability": 100,
"spread": 50,
"total": 180
"political": 40,
"social": 15,
"economic": 100,
"total": 155
"total": 835,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_norway.pdf"
"presence": 260,
"natcoord": 40,
"licensing": 55,
"use": 90,
"total": 445
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 60,
"spread": 35,
"total": 135
"political": 40,
"social": 30,
"economic": 100,
"total": 170
"total": 750,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_poland.pdf"
"presence": 130,
"natcoord": 10,
"licensing": 55,
"use": 80,
"total": 275
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 100,
"spread": 30,
"total": 170
"political": 70,
"social": 0,
"economic": 30,
"total": 100
"total": 545,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_portugal.pdf"
"presence": 275,
"natcoord": 20,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 215,
"total": 580
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 90,
"spread": 50,
"total": 180
"political": 20,
"social": 30,
"economic": 30,
"total": 80
"total": 840,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_romania.pdf"
"presence": 260,
"natcoord": 60,
"licensing": 45,
"use": 190,
"total": 555
"usability": 20,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 30,
"total": 160
"political": 120,
"social": 30,
"economic": 120,
"total": 270
"total": 985,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_slovakia.pdf"
"presence": 255,
"natcoord": 40,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 145,
"total": 510
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 90,
"spread": 35,
"total": 185
"political": 70,
"social": 15,
"economic": 30,
"total": 115
"total": 810,
"trend": "Fast-tracker",
"file": "country-factsheet_slovenia.pdf"
"presence": 320,
"natcoord": 120,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 215,
"total": 725
"usability": 60,
"reusability": 110,
"spread": 50,
"total": 220
"political": 100,
"social": 60,
"economic": 120,
"total": 280
"total": 1225,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_spain.pdf"
"presence": 250,
"natcoord": 40,
"licensing": 15,
"use": 105,
"total": 410
"usability": 10,
"reusability": 40,
"spread": 50,
"total": 100
"political": 30,
"social": 0,
"economic": 50,
"total": 80
"total": 590,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_sweden.pdf"
"presence": 155,
"natcoord": 70,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 130,
"total": 425
"usability": 20,
"reusability": 90,
"spread": 50,
"total": 160
"political": 0,
"social": 0,
"economic": 70,
"total": 70
"total": 655,
"trend": "Follower",
"file": "country-factsheet_switzerland.pdf"
"United Kingdom":
"presence": 280,
"natcoord": 90,
"licensing": 70,
"use": 200,
"total": 640
"usability": 40,
"reusability": 90,
"spread": 50,
"total": 180
"political": 90,
"social": 60,
"economic": 70,
"total": 220
"total": 1040,
"trend": "Trend-setter",
"file": "country-factsheet_united-kingdom.pdf"

Open Data in Europe 2016

A series of indicators have been selected to measure Open Data maturity across Europe. These indicators cover the level of development of national policies promoting Open Data, an assessment of the features made available on national data portals as well as the expected impact of Open Data.

Zu Abschnitt


Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Politik und Nutzung

0% Vorhandensein einer Politik
0% Nationale Koordinierung
0% Lizenzierungsstandards
0% Nutzung der Daten

Reife des Portals

0% Benutzerfreundlichkeit
0% Wiederverwendbarkeit der Daten
0% Verteilung der Daten auf verschiedene Bereiche

Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Auswirkungen

0% Politisch
0% Sozial
0% Wirtschaftlich

Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit: 0%

Reife des Portals: 0%


Ausführliche Länderansicht

Skip detailed country view table
  Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Politik und Nutzung Reife des Portals Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Auswirkungen  
Land Vorhandensein einer Politik Nationale Koordinierung Lizenzierungsstandards Nutzung der Daten Benutzerfreundlichkeit Wiederverwendbarkeit der Daten Verteilung der Daten auf verschiedene Bereiche Politisch Sozial Wirtschaftlich Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Politik und Nutzung Bereitschaft zur Datenoffenheit – Auswirkungen Reife des Portals Gesamt

Karte des Reifegrads der Länder