Session Outline: In this module we examine in detail the first three stars of the five stars of linked Open Data. We give examples of the application of each one and explain the key benefits.
Session number: 10
Expected participants: Relevant to all, special relevance to those publishing data
Type: Training
Length: 1-1.5 hours
Exercises: No
Web based exercises: No
What to bring: Slides, Web-Connected Laptop
Session Flow:
- The importance of creating usable data - The facilitator should lead participants in a discussion of what makes data usable. Participants should brainstorm in their groups about all the things which make a dataset usable such as the licence, the format, online availability and common structure. The participants should report back their findings on the flip chart
- Understanding the first three stars of Open Data - The facilitator should take participants through each of the first 3 stars of linked Open Data (Open licence, highly reusable format, open format) and explain how each of these stars builds toward higher technical quality and greater legal clarity for datasets.
- Creating 3-star Open Data - The participants will apply the lessons of the first 3 stars to prepare an open dataset in 3-star standard and (depending on session and platform availability) publish this dataset to a platform. The facilitator should provide experimental dataset(s) for the process.
- Example of Star Badging - This data from the Italian Digital Agency provides an example of a clearly displayed ‘5 stars’ badge and shows how the schema can be used as a quality marque.
- Example of Highly Reusable Formats - This data from energy giant Enel shows how publishing in multiple formats helps to meet both the second star (highly reusable format) and third star (open format)
Companion eLearning Modules:
When running this session, we recommend that participants complete the following eLearning module before attending:
Completion of the module will help your learners develop a shared understanding of the material before the course and allow you to focus in greater depth on those topics of most interest to the trainees.