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Discover the book Good Data

A look into Good Data and the chapter "Making Data Public? The Open Data Index as Participatory Device"

On January 24 2019, the book Good Data was unveiled in Amsterdam by the Institute of Network Cultures and DATACTIVE. Good Data focuses on the pathways to ethical data practices and has more than 20 chapters that explore the themes:

  • "Good Data Manifestos and Practices"
  • "Good Data and Justice"
  • "Good Data as Open and Shared Data"
  • "Good Data Activism and Research"
  • "Good Data and Smart Cities and Homes"

One of the book's chapters under the theme "Good Data as Open and Shared Data" is: "Making Data Public? The Open Data Index as Participatory Device". The chapter builds on ongoing research and discusses the Open Data Census and the Open Data Index project and how they aim to support the initiatives known as 'good data'. "Making Data Public" focuses on the social life of the Open Data Index project, how it has evolved and its changing visions. In addition, the chapter discusses how it impacted different actors in the assessment of institutions practices and forms of datafication.

Discover more information about the book and read it online.

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