Learn about the key highlights of the 21st Edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities!
Discover how open data can be transformed into innovative solutions
Last week, the 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities took place with over 7000 participants, 500 speakers and 220 workshops. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) in cooperation with several institutions, organised this four-day event to highlight the ability of cities and regions to stimulate economic growth and employment. It also demonstrated the successful implementation of the European Union's cohesion policy and underscored the crucial role of local and regional governance in achieving effective European governance.
During this week, data.europa.eu hosted a workshop titled ‘Open data for regional growth: showcasing a real-life success story’ on the utilisation of open data to foster regional development. During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the power of open data and how it can support innovative solutions to boost economic growth, ensure food security or address the energy crisis. An inspiring real-world success story was presented by the CEO of geoFluxus, who is also the winner of the EU Datathon 2020 competition. He shared his remarkable journey, demonstrating how open data plays a pivotal role in driving innovation within regional development. Sharing his personal experiences, he showcased how open data from the public sector can be turned into creative solutions.
The workshop provided an opportunity to engage in discussions related to the use and re-use of open data and exchange opinions on how to find new approaches to develop solutions for a more resource-efficient region, moving towards a circular economy. The workshop concluded with an exercise in which participants were divided into groups to brainstorm how to manage waste more efficiently.
The European Week of Regions and Cities 2023 was an inspiring and enlightening conference, bringing together professionals from diverse backgrounds and fostering collaboration to drive better cohesion policies. The conference served as a platform for knowledge-sharing to debate on EU cohesion policy and facilitate cooperation across sectors.
Looking for more information on the European Week of Regions and Cities? Visit their website. You can still attend all over Europe the Week's Side Events until the 9th of November and if you missed the event or you particular want to relive the highlights from this edition, here are the recordings. If you are interested in learning more on how open data can enable regional development and better cohesion in Europe, you can read our data story.
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