Warm holiday greetings from the data.europa.eu team!
Stay tuned for the latest news on European open data in 2024
Season's greetings from the data.europa.eu team! As we gear up for 2024, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our data providers and the enthusiastic community for your unwavering support and engagement throughout 2023. May your holidays be filled with joy and warmth.
If you are looking to treat yourself to some open data delights, don't miss out on exploring:
- Datasets, Statistics, SPARQL Search, and the Metadata Quality Dashboard
- Upcoming data.europa academy AI training sessions and webinars, scheduled for January 19th, 26th and February 2nd, 2024
- Items from our Community, such as open data apps, the event calendar, and the Open Data Cafe podcast series
- Recent publications, including the newly unveiled Open Data Maturity 2023 report
- Engaging data stories, informative news pieces, and more.
- Extensive documentation, including tips on ensuring data quality and data visualisation
Here's to another exciting year ahead, filled with enriching insights and empowering open data experiences. Happy holidays and get ready for more remarkable discoveries in the realm of European open data!
For more news and events, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, or subscribe to our newsletter.