Workshop on a quality label for user-centric cities and regions on 23 May |
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Workshop on a quality label for user-centric cities and regions on 23 May

Register for the workshop on a quality label for user-centric cities and regions in Brussels

Help developing a quality label to raise awareness and give recognition to cities and regions that are already committed to making their administrations user-centric. Building on input received during a co-creation workshop in April, the European Commission now organises a follow-up workshop to further define the content and the governance of a quality label for user-centric cities and regions.

Interested stakeholders (public administrations at all levels, citizens, businesses, civil society and others) are invited to jointly develop a quality label for those administrations that have achieved compliance with the user-centricity principles. Register for the workshop or take a look at the draft agenda of the workshop on 23 May for further details.

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