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European data
The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Transport


This application provides you with all your train information.

  • Economy & Finance


Companytracker collects data from several public sources about Belgian companies.

  • Regions & Cities


Co-Libry assists users to find their new home.

Eurostat Statistical Atlas

The Statistical Atlas is an interactive viewer for statistical and topographical maps. It contains all the maps from Eurostat's regional yearbook, sorted by publication themes. You can download these as high-resolution PDFs. The Atlas covers, in detail, a wide range of statistical topics as they apply to the regions of the European Union, EFTA and candidate countries. There are numerous functionalities and options to help you find the statistical data you are searching for and gain a better understanding of the information provided. To explore in detail all the Atlas has to offer, click the

  • Regions & Cities


This application provides users with an overview of playgrounds (both indoor and outdoor) in Austria.

  • Transport


The moovel app provides you all the information you need to quickly find your way through Vienna

  • Transport

Urbonaut.atPDF provides real-time information about the public transport in Vienna.

  • Government & Public Sector

Where Your Money GoesPDF

Where Your Money Goes provides information on government expenditures