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Use cases

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Red Flags

The Red Flags project helps make public procurement in Hungary more transparent and supports the fight against corruption in the procurement process. This interactive tool helps detect fraud risks at various stages of the procurement process, using a special algorithm to check procurement documents on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) and filter out 'risky' ones. Subscribers are alerted when procurement documents rated as 'risky' are published. Although 'risky' does not necessarily mean corrupt, flagged procurement documents are worth checking... Red Flags is a project run jointly by K

Consilium Vote is a website displaying data from the Council's voting and document datasets. Developed in only 24 hours (which excuses some imperfections) this site won the Diplohack held in Brussel at the end of April 2016. The SEARCH section allows users to filter all available votes in the Council by date, policy area, Council configuration, voting rule and keyword. Additionally, any of the votes in the resulting list can be selected to display all related information. The DATA VISUALISER gives a fascinating view of all votes held. It shows abstentions and votes against the motion, and it

EU Integrity Watch

EU Integrity Watch helps monitor the integrity of decisions made by politicians in the EU. On this platform users can check potential conflicts of interest, undue influence or even corruption inside the EU institutions. EU Integrity Watch data come from the websites of the European Commission (for the lobby meetings), of the European Parliament (for the declarations of financial interests) and from the EU Transparency Register (for information on lobby organisations). Such data are collected, harmonised and made easily available on the platform, where users can search, rank and filter the


Parltrack is an initiative to improve the transparency of European law-making. It is a database of information on policy proposals , MEPs , vote results and committee agendas. Using Parltrack it's easy to see at a glance which proposals are being handled by which committees and MEPs, and track the progress of proposals via email and RSS. And you can also go deeper, cross-referencing the various datasets to get more detailed information. For example, matching the names in the titles of the parliamentary immunity proposals with MEPs' names gives you an up-to-date snapshot of all immunity


The aim of this portal is to make public spending in Hungary (, Romania ( and Poland ( more publicly accountable. It rates contracting activities using a composite indicator, the Corruption Risk Index (CRI). The CRI does NOT show particular cases of corruption. What it does is to draw attention to the risk of corruption. It enables users to check to what extent a case of public procurements is at risk, and why. Calls for tender and contract award announcements are downloaded automatically from Tenders Electronic


With ca. 185 000 km of coastline, Europe's seas have played a key role in shaping the economic and cultural geography of adjoining nations. Nowadays scientific knowledge about the European Seas is the basis for understanding and protecting them. The Environmental Marine Information System (EMIS) website provides information on the inner workings of European regional seas, using biological and physical variables generated by hydrodynamic models and satellite remote sensing. Users can easily access to spatial marine information and environmental indicators to create maps and carry out basic

Vote Watch

Are you interested in monitoring the votes of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) or of ministers in the EU Council of Ministers? Do you want to see which way member countries are voting? Would you like to know more about coalitions between EU political groups as they are formed? This app gives you access to all this information and better insight into EU politics. VoteWatch Europe is a non-governmental organisation that tracks the votes of EU politicians. Its website covers all voting activity in the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers since July 2009, including

  • Transport


Application providing travel advice for public transport

Aid, development, humanitarian resources: where do resources come from, and where do they go? tracks resource flows and helps to answer those questions. The site presents recent, current and future data and compares them across data sources. It is based on data published through the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and on the aggregated data published to the OECD DAC Creditor Reporting System. Pick a country or a donor and explore how aid money is spent – from aggregated, high-level numbers to specific details of on-the-ground activities.

  • Environment


Website providing information on pollution emissions in European countries