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The official portal for European data

Use cases

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  • Science & Technology


Visualisation of geospatial data from various sources.

  • Environment

Plume LabsPDF

Finding air quality and weather details of cities around the world.

The European economy in your hand - The EU Economy app

The "EU Economy app" gives mobile access to the most important short-term macroeconomic indicators (Principal European Economic Indicators - PEEIs) for the euro area, the EU and its Member States. The app is available in three languages: English, French and German. The update function allows to download the freshest data from the Eurostat database.

My country in a bubble

Want to compare your country with other European countries and to see in one glance the differences among them? Please have a look to our new infographic "My country in a bubble" ! Playful application to compare the EU Member States and EFTA countries for about 50 indicators. The indicators are grouped into the following themes: Economy and finance; Population and social conditions; Industry, trade and services; Agriculture and fisheries; International trade; Transport; Environment and energy, and, Science and technology. The app is available in three languages: English, French and German.

Economic trends

The interactive data visualisation tool "Economic trends" provides every user, from basic to professional, a quick and easy overview of the development of 8 main economic indicators. After selecting an indicator & a country (or the EU / EA aggregate), the trend of the indicator over the last 12 time periods will be displayed in a graph. Additionally, you can add the EU or EA aggregate for comparison. For some indicators, you have the possibility to swap between units. For example, for inflation you can choose between the "change compared to the same month of the previous year" and the "change

Quality of life

"Quality of life" is a tool which provides you an insight into the different aspects of quality of life in your country and gives you the possibility to compare yourself with fellow citizens in your country as well as to the EU average and other EU Member States. After choosing a country, you can select one dimension of quality of life. Normally, two different indicators are presented for each of them. In most cases, one indicator offers information on the satisfaction level of individuals, while the other indicator provides objective information on this dimension. You can retrieve further

Young Europeans

"Young Europeans" is a tool which is primarily designed for young people aged 16-29. It provides the possibility to compare yourself with other young men and women in your country. This tool is also intended for parents, decision-makers, politicians, teachers, etc. who want to know more about the young generation in Europe. "Young Europeans" consists of quiz-like questions about the life of young Europeans on 4 different themes: me & my family, me & my work, me & my free time and studies, and me & the internet. Before you start, you have to choose your gender, your country and your age. If you

EU Lobby Register

The EU Lobby Register app uses information from the EU ‘Transparency Register’ to allow you to compare registrants and allocated budgets. In order to provide budget comparisons, the app uses cost data provided by registrants or, if this data is unavailable, selects the mid-point of the budget range. The data is frequently updated with the latest source from the European Commission. Please note that the app may not work optimally on some older versions of browsers.


The EU is collectively the biggest donor in the world, providing over €50 bn a year to help overcoming poverty and advance global development. It is committed to spending these funds as effectively as possible and to being accountable to EU citizens. EU Aid Explorer gives you easy access to complete and accurate data on donor activity around the world. By making project information easily accessible, countries, beneficiaries, EU citizens and implementing partners can examine the use of donor funds, and donors themselves can improve coordination and planning.

EU Budget for Results - A selection of EU funded projects

The EU budget is made up of around 1% of the wealth generated by EU economies every year and goes to funding projects that Member States could not finance on their own. To help citizens better understand how EU funds benefit them, the 'EU budget for results' app contains a collection of more than 500 EU projects funded by the EU budget. These projects touch on all sorts of topics such as employment, regional development, research, education and many others. The app is available in English for the time being and can be accessed with both desktop and mobile devices.