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Use cases

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EU Risk Dashboard

The EU Risk Dashboard is a web app developed by OpenRisk to assist with the exploration and understanding of the large number of economic indicators published by the ECB in its Statistical Data Warehouse. The app data are derived from the timeseries available in the Warehouse. Most readings in the currently selected series are monthly and update automatically when those become available at the Warehouse.

Benchmarking Regional Structure

A key to build sound innovation strategies for smart specialisation at the regional level is to identify opportunities for learning policy lessons and transferring practices from other regions. But what are the regions one should consider as a reference for these purposes and how can we identify them? These are fundamental questions at the foundation of any policy learning process or benchmarking exercise. Reference regions share similar structural conditions relevant for innovation-driven development. That is, characteristics that cannot be easily changed in the short term and that are


The Road Safety Atlas is the European Road Accident Map Viewer of the European Commission. The Road Safety Atlas provides accident statistics for each European country using interactive maps and satellite images. It has been developed to raise awareness about Europe's road safety policy. The Atlas is available for all platforms (desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone). The information published in the Atlas is from CARE, the European Union’s road accidents database. It provides a user-friendly interface to discover up to date road safety indicators for European countries. Information is


This tool collects and visualises the innovation priorities of almost all states and regions in the European Union and in neighbouring countries. It shows market trends and facilitates cooperation. Data are validated by policy makers who form part of our platform/network. Eye@RIS3 can be searched with all or a selection of the categories as well as free text within the descriptions. One can also search for individual regions and national priorities through searching for their name or through their NUTS ID.

Surveys on quality of life in Europe

Eurofound’s data explorer makes the results from its Europe-wide surveys highly accessible. This multilingual, interactive tool allows you to explore data at the level of individual questions, with Europe-wide reporting and comparison, or to drill down into single country results. Data can be visualised in multiple ways, including a European map, national and European bar charts and graphical country groupings. Visualisations and data can be shared online or downloaded in a range of formats, including high-resolution ones.

Pay bargaining and outcomes since 1999

The collective wage bargaining data explorer offers an easy-to-use interface to Eurofound’s wealth of quantitative and qualitative information on pay. It covers collectively agreed pay developments in the EU from 1999 onwards, and other related pay data, including the nature of pay bargaining systems in use. As well as showing pay agreements and changes in agreed pay, the interactive timeline of major developments links to full articles on the Eurofound website.

European Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender survey data explorer

This data explorer provides access to survey results and allows the user to filter responses by different categories of respondent such as age, sexual orientation and country of residence. The survey results, published in May 2013, provide valuable evidence of how lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons in the EU experience bias-motivated discrimination, violence and harassment in different areas of life, including employment, education, healthcare, housing and other services.

Projects of Common Interest Interactive Map

Modern energy infrastructure is crucial for an integrated energy market, security of supply and for enabling the EU to meet its broader climate and energy goals. This interactive map viewer provides up to date information on the geographic location for each of the 195 key energy infrastructure projects known as projects of common interest (PCI). The first list of PCIs was published in 2013. The list is updated every two years to integrate newly needed projects and remove obsolete ones. The projects relate to the networks for electricity, gas, oil and smart grids.

Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI)

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is coordinating an initiative to provide scientific support to the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), with the close cooperation of key scientific and public sector partners. In establishing this initiative, a common access point for harmonised data covering a broad range of topics would be needed. The DRDSI platform is meeting this demand by providing access to data from projects, Danube Region actors and pan-European organisations.

Credit Institution Register

The present Register has been set up by the EBA solely on the basis of information provided by Member States. Therefore, unlike registers of credit institutions maintained at national level, this Register has no legal significance and confers no rights in law. If an unauthorised institution is inadvertently included in the Register, its legal status is in no way altered; similarly, if an institution has inadvertently been omitted from the Register, the validity of its authorisation will not be affected.